Emily Lenihan Felmet for Big Brothers Big Sisters
All Donations
Supporting $50.00
Proud of you both!!!
Supporting $25.00
Supporting $25.00
You are a wonderful big sister !!!! Love you guys :)
Supporting $40.00
So proud of you two girls!!!
Supporting $25.00
Good luck on reaching your goal for Big Brothers & Big Sisters! Quinnshona is very lucky to have you as a big sister!
Supporting $25.00
Happy to support a great organization and proud of my best friend for her continued commitment and love for her little sister! Love, the Voot family <
Supporting $25.00
Emily, At a time of year when so many organizations reach out to people, your story made a difference. Best of luck here and Happy Holidays!
Supporting $25.00
Big shout out to Emily and Quinnshona!
Supporting $25.00
Congratulations on such an important fundraiser. So proud of everything you do! Aunt Patty, Uncle Pat and Liz
Supporting $25.00
Go Emily and Quinnshona!
Supporting $25.00
Supporting $50.00
You were blessed with a great "little sister", and she with you!
Supporting $25.00
Emily Felmet's dedication and generosity inspires us all! Go Emmy Go! Love, Dana & Ryan
Supporting $25.00
Excellent cause for a great person!
Supporting $25.00
Emily Lenihan inspired me to donate.
Supporting $50.00
Love you and your amazing heart !
Supporting $50.00
Supporting $10.00
Emily Lenihan Felmet for Big Brothers Big Sisters
All Donations
Supporting $50.00
Proud of you both!!!
Supporting $25.00
Supporting $25.00
You are a wonderful big sister !!!! Love you guys :)
Supporting $40.00
So proud of you two girls!!!
Supporting $25.00
Good luck on reaching your goal for Big Brothers & Big Sisters! Quinnshona is very lucky to have you as a big sister!
Supporting $25.00
Happy to support a great organization and proud of my best friend for her continued commitment and love for her little sister! Love, the Voot family <
Supporting $25.00
Emily, At a time of year when so many organizations reach out to people, your story made a difference. Best of luck here and Happy Holidays!
Supporting $25.00
Big shout out to Emily and Quinnshona!
Supporting $25.00
Congratulations on such an important fundraiser. So proud of everything you do! Aunt Patty, Uncle Pat and Liz
Supporting $25.00
Go Emily and Quinnshona!
Supporting $25.00
Supporting $50.00
You were blessed with a great "little sister", and she with you!
Supporting $25.00
Emily Felmet's dedication and generosity inspires us all! Go Emmy Go! Love, Dana & Ryan
Supporting $25.00
Excellent cause for a great person!
Supporting $25.00
Emily Lenihan inspired me to donate.
Supporting $50.00
Love you and your amazing heart !
Supporting $50.00
Supporting $10.00